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This is the first time I saw a polished Scratch game and it's beautiful, meow


[made in turbomap,acctuly]


This game is really fun, and I will definitely be playing it a lot, but there is a bug that is strongly impacting my enjoyment, and that is that occasionally when you close the game, all resources get set to quantity, null I guess, where the icon shows, but you can't do anything with it, and it basically resets all of your resource progress. There are a few minor bugs as well such as NPCs not spawning, Legend not actually disappearing(unless that's supposed to be a joke, but he never spawned in again after I quit the game and re-entered) and 2 music tracks overlapping when I fought Evil Orm during wind, but the resource resetting is definitely the worst. I know that this game has only been out for slightly over a day but this bug sucks a lot, so if you could fix it I would appreciate it a lot.

thats not very good, ill try to maybe fix that, I haven't run into that issue personally, so I'll have to do some tests, so sorry!! :[


Actually fire game, been playing around with it for the past 2 hours, and already love the exclusive items you can find, the style of the game, the humour, it's just a cute little survival, and the preview for the newest/latest updated version with functioning chests, a better inventory with cosmetic slots and flare, honestly looks even better. I can't wait to see this project flourish.


this game is a great example of how powerful turbowarp is despite most people believing it not to be a worthy game engine congrats on making such a great game even if it just is the demo i hope this game grows to its full potential also in your video i saw that you had a online prototype where you using cloud variables or cloud link i would recommend cloud link if possible its more powerful

also the music gives me a very undertale vibe i love it

how do i have -1 Crafting Benches? but other then that 100% love the game

very cool

ok I Found A Bug- If You Die Then Hit The Flag, The Menu Is Sideways


yirpie vary nice


terraria, but not. fantastic game